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Randall Brewer
6 days ago6 min read
The Spirit of Excellence
Every child of God has a divine spark of excellence waiting to burst forth. So why is there an appalling lack of excellence in the church?
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Randall Brewer
Jan 236 min read
Christian Character
Excellence is seen in our character. Truth be told, God isn’t satisfied with less than perfect. If He were, Christ wouldn't have had to die.
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Randall Brewer
Jan 148 min read
Did Jesus Christ Descend into Hell?
Jesus didn’t only suffer in His body on the cross. When our Lord died, He also suffered in His soul as a condemned and ruined man in hell.
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Edwin O'Hanlon
Jan 95 min read
Keep Calm and Carry On
As God's adopted children, we are empowered to not let the sun set on our anger. In other words, dear Christian, keep calm and carry on.
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Randall Brewer
Jan 26 min read
Giving God All The Glory
Mankind’s mission is to glorify God. It should grieve us when God is dishonored. So give glory to the Lord your God before it is too late!
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Edwin O'Hanlon
Dec 20, 20245 min read
Christ Our Captain: Saved and Secure
Christ braved death's storm with humanity's sin on His shoulders. He lashed a rope to heaven and now ensures our safe passage to His throne.
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Randall Brewer
Dec 12, 20248 min read
In His Presence: Drawing Near to God
The Bible promises that all who call on the Name of the Lord will encounter Him. So what are you waiting for? Draw near to God today!
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Edwin O'Hanlon
Dec 5, 20246 min read
Zeal for the Lord: Positives and Pitfalls
It takes zeal to be saved. God’s hates moderation and rejects middle-of-the-road devotion to Christ. But beware zeal without forethought.
1,535 views0 comments

Randall Brewer
Nov 21, 20246 min read
Alone With God: Seeking the Things Above
We are new creatures in Christ. This world is temporary, unworthy of our constant attention. But God is eternal and worthy of all attention.
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Edwin O'Hanlon
Nov 14, 20246 min read
Let the Children Come to Me: The Case for Child Communion
Communion catechizes our children by doing, which we know is the best way to teach young ones. So do not send them away spiritually hungry.
2,081 views0 comments

Randall Brewer
Nov 7, 20245 min read
Stand Courageously: Never Backing Down in God
Daniel wasn’t a wimp or a coward. He stood up for God when the cost was most severe, so God saved him from the lions as a lesson to us all.
3,104 views0 comments

Edwin O'Hanlon
Oct 31, 20246 min read
Ready or Not...Here Christ Comes!
The Messiah laid the way of salvation for all who trust in Him. He will soon return in glory to judge the world. Trust in Him until then.
2,190 views0 comments

Randall Brewer
Oct 24, 20244 min read
Take Courage: Trusting God's Process
If we aren't boldly proclaiming our faith, we may not be Spirit-filled. Live for Jesus and be the light this dark world desperately needs!
632 views0 comments

Edwin O'Hanlon
Oct 17, 20245 min read
The Second Death: Death After Death
Heaven and hell, eternal life and the second death, are two sides of the same coin. So why not heed God's warning and turn back and live?
1,636 views0 comments

Randall Brewer
Oct 7, 20245 min read
Strong and Courageous: How God Cures Fear
Taking up our cross and following Christ demands obedience. As we obey, courage grows in our inner man. Courage that is often contagious.
1,315 views0 comments

Edwin O'Hanlon
Sep 30, 20248 min read
(Not So) Hard to Believe: Science and Scripture
We must consider the evidence before declaring true or false. The unexamined life is not worth living and the Bible deserves examination.
435 views0 comments

Randall Brewer
Sep 16, 20245 min read
Acts of Courage: Guarded by Our Great God
Courage comes from the heart. As Paul told Timothy: ‘God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline’.
50 views0 comments

Edwin O'Hanlon
Sep 9, 20246 min read
Never A Man Spoke Like This: Christ’s Startling Words
It’s fascinating that non-Christians heap praise on Jesus while rejecting His deity. We realize why when we examine Jesus’ startling words.
376 views0 comments

Randall Brewer
Sep 2, 20245 min read
Uncommon Courage: Strong in the Lord
Godly courage is the key to this life. Without Christlike courage, you’ll live a lukewarm life, going nowhere and accomplishing nothing.
322 views0 comments

Edwin O'Hanlon
Aug 19, 20246 min read
Against You, You Only: How Sin Separates
All sin is lawlessness; an affront to the holy Lawgiver. Reject God's way of cleansing and all we do is widen the separation sin creates.
91 views0 comments
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